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CV Keep Uses a simple MEVN stack, which stands for Mongo, Express, Vue and Node. So, the requirements are quiet simple: a simple environment with Node and Mongo, and the source codes: The Vue JS Front End Project and the Express Backend Project.


You just need Node JS and Mongo DB. Thats all. For Mongo, create a new database with your prefered name, then provide its Mongo URI to the app environment configuration using the ENV file. The SMTP Server is needed only in production mode. The reference for the project setup is in the next chapter.

Node JSVersion >=14.0.0
NPMVersion >= 6.14.13
MongoVersion >=4.4.5
SMTPAny SMTP Service (Only for production)

Source Codes#

After configure the environment, you will need to clone or download the Cv Keep Front End and Back End projects. You can clone or download them on the following links:

๐Ÿ“ฆ Cv Keep Front End
๐Ÿ“ฆ Cv Keep Back End