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Running Locally

First of all, lets assume you have cloned or downloaded both the applications: cvkeep-frontend and cvkeep-backend sources. If you didn't, please go to the requirements section of this documentation.


Lets start running the API. First of all, go to the cvkeep-backend project root. Now, copy the .env file content to a .env.local file, and change the env variables in according to your needings. To check how to configure the .env, please, read the Backend Setup section of this documentation. Generally for the local mode you only need to configure your Mongo URI on the .env.local file. Now, if you didn't installed the dependencies, please run:

npm install

With dependencies installed now run:

npm run serve

If all goes well, you will see the following information:

Server is running with stage "development" on port 5000Env: /projects/cvkeep-backend/.env.local

With the default env values, your API will be available on: http://localhost:5000/.

Front End#

To run the front end, first copy the .env file content to a .env.local file, and change the env variables in according to your needings. Now, if you didn't installed the dependencies, please run:

npm install

With dependencies installed now run:

npm run serve

If all goes well, you will see the following information:

  App running at:  - Local:   https://localhost:8080/   - Network: https://localhost:8080/
  Note that the development build is not optimized.  To create a production build, run npm run build.

With the default env values, the front end will be available on: http://localhost:8080/.

Front End Server#

There is an Express Application meant to serve the front end. This is optional when in local mode, but can be very useful for debbuging. To run the front server, just run:

npm run serve:prod

It will run a production-like server, but locally. You can now access the front end at http://localhost:9090